Ok orkut asks me what can turn me off!The thing is i myself dunno what exactly can turn me off when and where.....but there are a few things which do turn me off....so...SHOOT!!!
HYPOCRITES....disgusting bunch of people!I dont have to elaborate!
SNOBS...i know its good to be proud of oneself but why the hell does one has to carry it on their nose and walk!!
WANNABES...omg!those who try to be someone else...look cool when they are not!duh...dont they realise that they look funny?
PEOPLE WHO HATE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BAD ENGLISH/VOCABULARY...ohh hello!...excuse me but why is dere a need to hate someone just because he/she doesnt know proper english,those who belong to this category.....i just wanna throw one question to them....HOW GOOD ARE YOU WITH HINDI???....bang!!!!shame on you!
THOSE WHO GO ON LOOKS....dont you think thats too bad???Being friends with the best looking people out dere and actually losing out on those who can be actually called as friends?OR likikng/loving someone just cuz he/she is pretty....bad!!!i hate such people!
PEOPLE WHO SPEAK SLOW....aaahhh y?????I get headache when such people start talking!wats the need to speak so slowly?c'mom talk fast but clear!!!
PEOPLE WHO ASK UNNECESSARY QUESTIONS....dats specially during a lecture...its sooo damn evident that they do this inorder to grab attention....wierdos...!!!
PEOPLE WHO LAUGH,GIGGLE,TALK...while a lec is on....shameless people...its ok if they dont have interest in the subject and evryone knows that they are there just for the attendence...but atleast respect the professor out there!...i feel like slapping them!
THOSE WITH HEAVY AMERICAN ACCENT....i dont understand how do some people have this strong american accent while they've spent their whole life in india....nd yeah they dont even have any distant relative staying in sri lanka!!!...and the best part is their vocab ahem ahem...!!!
"WE ONLY WEAR BRANDS"...u get plenty fashionable stuff in colaba causway aswell....trust me u'll save money...brand isnt evrything!!!
SYCHOPHANTS....no identity of their own....wagging their tail behind someone else....LOSERS!
PEOPLE WHO SPIT ON ROADS....bad...yuck yuck!!!
THOSE WHO DONT TAKE BATH REGULARLY....and rely on perfumes....please please stay away from me!!!...i may tell it on ur face how much u are stinking!!!!
THOSE WHO USE THE WRDS ...f***,b*****.....nd all those wrds which belong to the same genre as they consider it cool and hep!...duh....they sound disgusting!
THOSE WHO KEEP CHEWING CHEWING-GUM....they look like cows!!...hehe
THOSE WHO START THEIR SENTENCE...with...hey baby wassup??....duh...up there is hair,ceiling and above that is the sky...happy??
THOSE WHO FLIRT....the vry first time u meet them.....c'mon guys shud realise that everyone cant be JOEY!!!!...heehee...(BTW if u dont know who JOEY is...please watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S!!!)
THOSE WHO LET OUT MY SECRET!...shoot them...!!!!
THOSE WHO FREQUENTLY USE THE LINE....i love you baby....the more u use,the more u r making it clear that u dont love him/her!!!...its not meant to use just like that...it has its own importance!!!
PEOPLE WITH YELLOW PALMS.....just shows that they dont wash their hands properly after eating...eeewww!!!!
THOSE WHO STICK TO THEIR CELLPHONES....while they are out with their other friends....i mean its soooo bad!!!!....damn it!feel like punching them!
PEOPLE WHO DONT VALUE OTHERS.....duh...wat gud r u?
THOSE WHO DONT LET OTHERS SPEAK...and keep talking crap!..i need a cellotape so that i can seal their mouth!!!
there is soo much more that turn me off....but for now only this much.....heehee!!!